How to Get Brand Deals

Want to start your journey on social media but not sure where to even begin? We get it. There is so much information out there on how and what you should be doing, and it can feel overwhelming and sometimes a bit contradicting. We've compiled our best practices to help you get your first sponsorship when you don't have even a portfolio or media kit to show yet.

How to Start ✏️

Getting your first brand sponsorship might seem like the biggest obstacle to cross when you're starting out on social media. But how do you even get your first sponsorship? There are numerous ways you can tackle this, but for example, we recommend creating a media kit with the type of content you would create. We've also compiled a list of the suggestions that you can do right now in order to get that first brand sponsorship!

Actions you can take right now:

  1. Start interacting with the brands you want to work with. You can reply to their stories, tag them in your content if you use them, and even comment on their posts.

  2. Real people are running their accounts and a lot of brands want to work with influencers that are truly fans of them IRL.

  3. Follow accounts within your follower ranger to see what brands those creators are working with.

  4. Start using hashtags that your fave brands might be looking at so you might a chance to be seen by them.

  5. If you already own a product that you are currently loving make some content out of it and remember to tag the brand.

If you're on the fence about content creation, take a look at these numbers. Businesses are starting to see the value in influencer marketing and will begin to develop bigger influencer marketing strategies meaning that they need influencers like you. Ninety-three percent of marketers use influencer marketing as part of their marketing strategy. And, nine out of ten marketers believe influencer marketing to be an effective form of marketing.

It's definitely not too late to start! So, take our advice. Begin creating high-quality content and interacting with brands and similar accounts to yours!

Act Like an Influencer 🤳

It's important to note how effective taking content seriously before you even land a sponsorship with the brand is. This is because brands will get a chance to see your content in action and they can assume that you genuinely enjoy their brand. They might even reach out to you and offer to send you more products or when you decide it's time to pitch them you can mention that you've created content for their brand specifically.

If you want to get more tips on how to start working with brands, follow along on our Instagram, TikTok, and Slack channel for more tips and updates!


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