How Do I Grow My Podcast?

The podcast industry has gotten so popular as of recently and we're here to tell you that is not over-saturated. Every podcast is so different and offers something unique because every host has a unique approach to the way they view life. With so many people starting their own podcast, we thought we'd share our best practices on how to grow your podcast. Your podcast should be treated as an extension of your brand marketing.

Why Podcastings?

Over 70% of the American population knows about at least one podcast and the average person spends seven+ hours per week listening to podcasts.

Here, at Rella, we're huge fans of podcasts. We might be a bit biased because two of our team members have their own podcasts: Natalie (Co-Founder at Rella) is the host of The Real Reel and Kayla (PR and Influencer Marketing Coordinator) is the host of The Let's Get Candid Podcast.

Kayla stresses the importance of networking and reminds us that episode one does not need to be perfect! She suggests, "Just pitch to people you want to have on. You never know who will say yes!".

If you are reading this blog, then you already know how valuable having a podcast is because of the connections and networking opportunities that are presented to you. So, we want to share with you some ways that both Natalie and Kayla have used to grow their podcasts.

Ways to Grow

  1. Post snippets on social

  2. Ask listeners to share on social

  3. Ask listeners to review and give review shoutouts

  4. Pitch yourself to similar podcasts to come on as a guest

  5. Form relationships with similar podcasters

  6. Invite podcast guests & have them share on social

  7. Focus on building a community

  8. Plan out your questions/talking points and post weekly

  9. Link your podcast in all of your social media channels

  10. Ask your listeners what topics they want to hear about


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