What to Include in Your Media Kit

Media kits are a modern-day digital resume to showcase your personal brand. Media kits come in all shapes and sizes; you have the creative freedom to make them unique and personalized to you and your brand. But, let's talk about what makes a media kit great and the must-haves to ensure that yours is professional and informational.

What is a Media Kit? 🎨

As mentioned, a media kit is a modern-day digital resume to showcase your personal brand. It includes your analytics, information about your audience and your content, and past brand collaborations. Some analytics can be found on your social media insights while others you may have to do some more digging around.

Your media kit should have enough information that the brand browsing it gets a clear idea of your performance on social media. It gives you the opportunity to present yourself as you want to be seen. It also gives the brand you are sending it to a detailed description of exactly what you offer.

Who needs to have a Media Kit? 📱

Typically, the people who have media kits are social media influencers and content creators. They have media kits because it is an effective way to present your work. As an influencer and content creator, you want the brand reading your media kit to have a clear understanding of what you can provide them with.

If you want to work with a brand, you should consider having a media kit to act as a portfolio for your work.

Must-Haves ✅

  • About You: This is the section where you can really speak to the brand. Tell them yourself, where you are located, your niche, and why your audience will resonate with their brand.

  • Analytics: This is the time to highlight your strengths. Tell the brand your female to male ratio, where your audience is located, your engagement rate, your link clicks, etc.

  • Your contact information: It is important to have all of your contact information laid out in a way that is easy to read. Make sure to hyperlink all of your social media accounts!

The most important thing, by far, is to pitch yourself in a way that shows the brand why collaborating with you would be beneficial to them. Show them what you can bring to the table by providing them with ample analytics, past collaborations, and content that you've created. 'Wow' brands with your creativity and past work (if applicable).

Don't forget to always keep it professional and avoid having any grammatical errors in your email or media kit.

Mistakes 🚫

  • Do not use slang terms or abbreviations

  • Do not use low resolution photos

  • Include relevant information

  • Do not lie about your numbers

  • Media kit lacks personality

Where can I begin? ✏️

There are a ton of media kit templates on Canva (for free!), on Etsy, and on Creative Market for a small cost. But, the best thing is that you can create a media kit from scratch. Just let your creativity flow and guide you!


Write an Email that Receives a Response


How to Pitch to Brands